Optical Dispensary



Our experienced opticians are dedicated to helping our patients find the optimal eyewear that is meant for them. They help you choose the correct lens design, materials, and features that best suit your lifestyle and visual needs. They take very precise measurements to ensure prescription accuracy and the best vision possible with your new eyewear. Their expertise is valuable in helping you select a frame that accentuates your features, fits your style, and meets your visual needs. All of our opticians are licensed through the Ohio Vision Professionals board and maintain certification through annual training and education.

Our lenses go through an extensive testing process to ensure they meet the appropriate standards for safety. Once they arrive at our office, our opticians complete the final inspecting of the glasses to ensure you are getting the quality product that you deserve.

Each eyeglasses purchase comes with a warranty to protect against scratches or breakage in the first year of purchasing the new glasses. If you are dissatisfied with your vision or design of your new glasses, talk with our opticians and they can assist you. Some restrictions may apply.
We offer a wide variety of frames, from designer brands to our value lines, and a selection for youth. We have prices to fit everyone's budget, and also work with you to maximize the use of your insurance benefits when available.

Some of the brands we currently carry include:

scott harris
robert graham
american optical
eddie bauer
Ann Taylor
Banana Republic
Calvin Klein
Jimmy Choo
Kate Spade
Liz Claiborne
Ted Baker
Tommy Hilfiger
Vera Bradley
Lens Design

Lens design

We carry many lens designs to address how you use your eyes, whether at work, at home, or in additional activities. You can talk with our opticians and doctors about your specific activities so we can help fit you with the lens that best suits your lifestyle.

Single vision lenses are designed to optimize vision for one distance, which is typically to view everything farther away, but can also be designed for near/reading vision only.

Bifocal lenses have two different powers in the lens. One power is at the top, and is used to see distance. The second power is at the bottom of the lens and is used to see close objects or fine print. These two powers are separated by a line.

Trifocal lenses have three different powers in the lens and are also separated by lines. The top and bottom segments are used just like the lined bifocal mentioned previously, but this specific lens also has a middle segment between the top and bottom, and is used for intermediate range typically for computers.

Progressive lenses are also known as “no line bifocals” contain all three sections much like the trifocal, but without visible lines. These lenses allow for a smooth progression from distance to near and everything in between. A lot of research and technology has gone into optimizing this lens design to enhance vision and clarity for its wearers. There are many different progressive lens styles available that can be tailored to various hobbies or occupations. Our opticians’ expertise can greatly help you select the lens design that is right for you and your visual needs.

Computer lenses are a specialized type of progressive lens and are designed for individuals that spend a significant amount of time in an office or working on computers. They are manufactured to reduce visual fatigue experienced after hours of computer and office work. They can also decrease the amount of head and neck movement you may experience with progressive lenses.

Occupational and hobby lenses include specific lenses that can be designed for certain hobbies, such as reading sheet music, sewing, mechanic work, and much more. You can discuss these lens types with our doctors or staff to find what will improve your vision while enjoying the activities you love.

Lens Materials

Lens Materials

Most lenses are made from plastic, but there are different optical properties with each material. We offer a range of lens materials that suit your individual needs including polycarbonate, trivex, CR-39, and high index. When discussing your lens options, our opticians are happy to recommend the material that best fits your prescription.

Lens Options

Lens Options

Anti-reflective treatment

Also known as anti-glare, is used to reduce the amount of glare that is reflected off computers, phone screens, windshields, water, and headlights when driving, especially at night, and on many more surfaces. Reducing reflected light can improve visual comfort and increase transparency, allowing you to see more clearly. If you are experiencing difficulty with glare while driving, an anti-reflective coating is highly suggested. The anti-reflective treatment will also eliminate external reflection off your lenses which allows others to see your eyes more clearly, instead of the glare off of your lenses. Cosmetically, this is more pleasing for pictures. Current anti-reflective coatings help repel water, oils, fingerprints, and smudges, making your lenses easier to keep clean.


Also known as photochromatic lenses, are lenses that change their tint in response to UV light. This allows patients to "transition" from indoor to outdoor environments without having to switch to sunglasses.

Blue Filtering

People of all ages are spending more time on digital devices than ever before. It is important to protect your eyes from the harmful blue light emitted from those devices. Wearers experience less eye strain and fatigue with blue filtering lenses. Increased blue light exposure has been linked to a slightly increased risk for age-related macular degeneration and increased difficulty sleeping as it can affect the circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle.​​​​​​​

Safety Glasses

Many common activities can result in eye injuries without the use of proper eye protection. It's estimated that 90% of sports-related eye injuries are preventable with proper eye protection. We carry a variety of safety glasses and goggles in our eyewear department.​​​​​​​


Polarized lenses reduce glare and protect eyes from harmful UV rays. According to The Vision Council, 75% of Americans are concerned about UV eye exposure, yet only 31% wear sunglasses when they go outside. The sun is reflected off of many surfaces that we encounter daily such as water, asphalt, concrete, snow, and even grass. We house a beautiful selection of sunglasses to choose from.

Cleaning tips for your glasses:

  • Always rinse eyewear with warm water or cleaner before wiping

  • Wipe dry using a soft cleaning cloth

  • Wash or hand wash cleaning cloth without fabric softener

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